Tips for First-Timers in Physical Therapy


Like most things we try for the first time, we may be full of questions and apprehensions when receiving physical therapy services in St. Augustine, Florida.

Here are some tips to get you ready for the therapy, whether you visit an outpatient therapy clinic or choose to have it at home.

  • Note Down Your Symptoms
    Before having a home physical therapy in Florida, make sure you have taken notes of the symptoms you felt in your body. Does your leg hurt when you walk? How about your ankle? How do you manage the pain? Noting these things would help the therapist in their initial assessment.
  • Allot Enough Time
    During the assessment, you may be required to have therapy for a longer period than you expected. Set enough time for this. If possible, clear your day from any appointments. When things are rushed, physical therapy in Daytona won’t be effective.
  • Dress Appropriately
    If you need knee therapy, you may choose to wear shorts than pants. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing. You may also wear clothing similar to that of when you go to a gym.
  • Get Enough Sleep and Have a Good Meal
    For healing and recovery, having a good night’s sleep is crucial. The lack of sleep and meal affects the healing process as you go through outpatient therapy at home.

Do you need physical therapy but are worried about getting to and from a clinic? PRIZM HEALTH CARE SERVICES, PA can perform the therapy in the comfort of your home. Reach out!

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